— Chordiality will begin its 30th anniversary year with a spectacular afternoon concert in Huddersfield on St George’s Day – Sunday 23 April commencing 3pm at St Joseph’s Church (19 Somerset Road, Huddersfield HD5 9AU).

On the day, the choir will be joined by wind and saxophone quartet, Notability. The quartet, led by Tony Dylak, have been regular guest artists at Chordiality concerts and will accompany the singers in a number of pieces, in particular in the Duke Ellington classic It Don’t Mean A Thing, a blast for both performers and audience.
Chordiality have entertained at St Joseph’s before and a good crowd is expected on the day. Those attending will be treated to a varied programme of showstoppers and favourites, with the occasional nod to St George, all guaranteed to send the audience home happy.
Particular highlights, unashamedly borrowed from last year’s repertoire, will include the Hallelujah Chorus from Handel’s Messiah, a choral version of Elgar’s beautiful Nimrod alongside Mozart’s sublime Laudate Dominum and the choir’s breathtaking medley from Andrew Lloyd-Webber’s hit musical, Phantom Of The Opera – bring your own mask!
– filmed by a member of the audience
To hear Chordiality in Huddersfield, tickets just £5, reserve your seats now via email at chordiality.choir@hotmail.com or through a member of the choir.