‘Wassail, Wassail’ – Christmas Concert at First Martyrs Heaton


December 17, 2023    
15:00 - 16:30


First Martyrs Church
Heights Lane, Heaton, Bradford, BD9 6HZ

‘Wassail, Wassail all over the town’ and Chordiality will be doing just that with a Christmas Concert to welcome the season of goodwill with beautiful song at First Martyrs Church in Heaton, Bradford.

Performing on home turf always brings out the best in the choir and the Christmas concert is always a favourite amongst Chordiality’s supporters.  So, with a full house expected, those looking to attend are encouraged to book early.

The concert will celebrate the Yuletide season with popular Christmas song, audience carols and seasonal readings, both reflective and amusing.

A collection will be held at the concert for the choir’s current adopted charity, the Bradford Metropolitan Food Bank.

To hear Chordiality bring Christmas to Bradford, reserve your seats now.  Book tickets, just £8 including seasonal refreshments, via email at chordiality.choir@hotmail.com or through a member of the choir.